A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

An archaeological survival/exploration game.

Wake up in a desert and learn to survive. Avoid exposure, snake bites and dehydration as you hunt for resources and loot corpses of those who came before you. Craft new items, discover new sights and grow stronger to take on your final challenge...

  • crafting system ⚒️
  • day-night cycle 🐫
  • fun combat 🏹
  • about 1+ hour of gameplay 🌵
  • find corpses and items of previous players 💀

SnakEscape is a turn-based logic game tuning the traditional Snake gameplay concept upside down! This time You will mantle the role of the food, running away from the pursuing Snakes. Your goal is simple: collect as many energy stars on the level as possible for traversing through the floating islands.

Each contains the full Ren'Py software development kit, with everything needed to develop Ren'Py games for Windows XP and up, Mac OS X 10.6 and up, and Linux x86/x8664. The development environment contains the files needed to produce games for all three platforms, the Ren'Py tutorial, and 'The Question', an example game. Find the OS that is right for you, and for me OS X is it. If you have a PC and don’t want to run Windows, Linux is a serious alternative. Ubuntu on a 700 MHz PC swings along very nicely, and with fantastic hardware support, most things work out of the box. Back to the Mac. For me, the step back to Mac is a sigh of relief. On windows - extract the file and then open Student Council.exe. Click more information then allow when it asks you about security (I don' t have a proper developers license yet:c ) On mac - There's a setting that will allow you to run the game or you could right click and click open then hit allow for it to run. More information.

WASD - walk
LMB - use
RMB - drop
E - interact
Shift - run
Control - crouch
Escape - menu

Note: on Mac OSX, rotate the camera by dragging and use items with space bar.
(Sadly, Game Maker's mouse lock function doesn't work on Mac)

made for the Sokpop Patreon

PlatformsWindows, macOS
AuthorSokpop Collective
GenreAdventure, Survival
Tags3D, Action-Adventure


In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $3 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Development log

  • Version 1.1 : Solo Mode, Optimizations & Fixes
    Dec 12, 2019

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I saw this game on steam too, can you add steam key for this game ? Thanks !

This is a beautiful game that you can take at your own pace, with a great atmosphere and lovely aesthetics.

I hate games that allow you a huge inventory with only a little satchel to show for it (e.g. red dead 2 or Skyrim), and I love how everything you pick up in this game is shown on your character.

There's something very novel about your flask of water dangling from you hip as you move from spring to spring, the animations are incredibly endearing and this game made me subscribe to Sokpop's patreon which I recommend as every game they make is soaked in character and heart.

This is clearly a team with great skill, vision and heart and is what game developers should strive to be: very inspiring stuff.

Run away (itch) (edenia_be) mac os download

Beautiful game, I love the atmosphere

There's a glitch on Mac OS (high Sierra) where your legs stay at the same place but you can still run. The more you run away, the longer your legs get haha like spaghetti (just a visual problem). It came from aiming with a bow but I'm not sure how.


edit: anything that heeds warm memories of adventure time is cool with me

Don't put the final boss in the thumbnail you dingus

wonderful game, but just one question, what's the difference between online play and solo mode?

Thank you! Solo mode cuts out the online part, so you won't be able to find other people's skeletons and items. It makes it a lot harder!

Good game. Their should be a save system and the skeleton has way to much hp

Run Away (itch) (edenia_be) Mac Os Download

Very cool, did you use sprite stacking? or did you use Game Makers built in 3D functions?

it's a custom 3d engine i made in game maker! it doesn't use d3d

do you ever think of updating this further in the future? (more crafting, different mobs etc.) :)

I have some cool ideas for what to add, but I probably won't do any big updates anytime soon.

Is there anything left to do once you've killed the skeleton guy and placed the orb at the pyramid?

Edit: To finish the game, shoot the floating orb. (figured it out 3 minutes after my original comment. Haha)

So... there's no save and load feature? I thought I can save a game so I don't have to play for long time

I just became a patron a few days ago and I'm really enjoying this one! Finally took down the skeleton, but I'm now wondering what to make of the orb. Once placed in the depression, it sounds like a crypt opens somewhere...

May I ask for pointers on how to defeat the skeleton?

rock in hole near pyramid = nope
arrows at skeleton heart = nope
arrows at skeleton head = nope
rocks at skeleton heart = can't throw that high

the 2nd one is correct. you will see the inside of the heart shrinking each time you hit it!

Hi, on the bundle... Sadly I won't buy it, due to itch.io not having a feature that stops one from buying the same game twice. I have 6 of your games already, 5 of them were the latest ones due to me being a patron, last one I bought seperate. Did the math, if I were to buy the bundle WITHOUT those games, technically based on it I should get it for $51.8. Sorry for being picky, it's not your fault really. Mainly an issue I have with Itch, one that has bothered me before.

We don’t offer discounts for things you already own at the moment, but we can turn your extra purchases into gifts so you can give them to others.

Tell me if you’re interested.

Looks wonderful, but wheen I play it on my Mac the camera keeps spinning, it seems like it's remembering the last mouse input but thats just a guess.

Hi, so apparently Game Maker's function to lock the mouse position doesn't work on the newer versions of OSX (our machine is on High Sierra and it works there).

As a temporary fix, I've now uploaded a version (1.0.1) for Max OSX that uses drag controls to rotate the camera, and the space bar to use items.

Run Away (itch) (edenia_be) Mac Os Update

Will look into a better solution in the future, but at least it's playable now!

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I am an Apple fan with a itch to scratch called Linux. I’ve tried being without a Mac, and I can’t do it, so I’m left with running Mac and Linux on the same machine.

The past year has been a weird and rocky detour in my computing journey. I have been interested in computers since an early age, and at 16 I got my first Windows machine – and then machine after machine from there on, usually low-end ones and other peoples castoffs.

Run Away (itch) (edenia_be) Mac Os Version

The turn of the millennium saw me enter the Mac world, and it would be the best 10 years of my life.

Leaving Macs Behind

Call it a blip, call it what you like, but late 2009 saw me leave the Mac world in a venture to try out Linux. I ended up using Windows and Linux on a variety of low-end PCs. I am actually writing this on a ThinkPad 240x– a small 10″ laptop introduced in 2000 – under Linux Mint LXDE while my iBook G3 is repairing disk permissions.

I am glad to say that I returned to the iBook G3.

I severely regret selling my 867 MHz Titanium PowerBook G4 model. It was a little workhorse and ran Leopard very well. However, with my wife firmly attached to the iBook G3, I am awaiting the arrival of a 500 MHz Pismo PowerBook G3 to continue my Mac crusade. I must say that I am very excited. The PowerBook G3 range was one Apple’s best and most reliable.

Over the past few months I have written a number of articles from within my Linux detour, and some of they may be a little contradictive of each other. Even though Linux has come a long way in the past few years and is more user-friendly than ever before, it is still a massive learning curve, even for a veteran computer user like myself.

Yes I do love it, because it is a good OS, because of its nerdiness, and because it is one step further from Microsoft, but for a one-time hard-core Mac devotee, it just doesn’t have the finesse to pull me away from the Mac platform. (As for Windows, we won’t even touch on that. Windows XP might be one of Microsoft’s best versions, but at the end of it all, it’s still Windows – an archaic OS built on out-of-date technology sitting on a terrible file system wrapped in an ugly GUI.)

Does it matter what OS you use? Yes, despite Firefox and most of the everyday software I use – including Audacity, GIMP, AbiWord, and OpenOffice – being available on all three platforms, it’s the general feel of Mac OS X that makes you a Mac user. While Ubuntu is close to Mac in both build and looks, it just isn’t Mac. Small annoyances – or just differences – become large ones.

Find the OS that is right for you, and for me OS X is it.

If you have a PC and don’t want to run Windows, Linux is a serious alternative. Ubuntu on a 700 MHz PC swings along very nicely, and with fantastic hardware support, most things work out of the box.

Back to the Mac

For me, the step back to Mac is a sigh of relief. I can sit back in my comfy zone, back with what I know best.

However, the detour has taught me Linux is not to be sniffed at. It is seriously giving both Windows and Mac a run for its money and has become a significant alternative.

Running Linux on PowerPC hardware is not as straightforward as on Intel hardware, nor is it as supported as one would like, but it is available, and as more and more Mac users with G3 and G4 machines get left behind because newer versions of OS X do not support their hardware, PowerPC Linux is becoming a real alternative.

Apple may have left the PowerPC platform behind, but it is wide open for open source developers to pick up and run with it. For me, a dual-boot system with Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger and version 8 or 9 of Ubuntu or Xubuntu will do nicely on my forthcoming Pismo PowerBook, giving me the best of both worlds.

Don’t panic. As one of Apple’s dedicated users and a lover of older hardware, I am not about to turn my back on the Mac platform again. I’m not sure why I left initially, but I’m back.

Follow Simon Royal on Twitter or send him an Email.
Like what you have read? Send Simon a donation via Tip Jar.

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