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Samuel Axon, Ars Technica:

Apple is widely expected to move its Mac line to custom ARM-based chips in the coming years. What we're hearing: Although the company has yet to say so publicly, developers and Intel officials have privately told Axios they expect such a move as soon as next year. OS X Kernel “XNU” “Based on BSD”. FreeBSD 5.x. Traditional monolithic kernel. OS Services run in kernel mode / address space. Drivers, network, file systems, memory management, etc. Apple is widely expected to move its Mac line to custom ARM-based chips in the coming years. What we're hearing: Although the company has yet to say so publicly, developers and Intel officials have privately told Axios they expect such a move as soon as next year. By pressing certain key combinations, you can do things that normally need a mouse, trackpad, or other input device. To use a keyboard shortcut, press and hold one or more modifier keys and then press the last key of the shortcut. For example, to use Command-C (copy), press and hold the Command key, then the C key, then release both keys. Data Analysis Applications for Mac OS X. Many years ago Scott Hannahs compiled a fabulous list of the tools for Data Analysis available for Mac OS X for the SciTech mailing list and I thought it would be useful to spread the word, since then many people have contacted me and the list has grown.

When Apple announced its plans to transition the Mac to its own, ARM-based silicon and away from the x86 architecture used in Intel Macs, the company listed a plethora of tools for making sure as many applications survive the shift as possible. But while it’s helpful that Apple is providing developer tools for adapting Intel Mac apps and virtualization tools for running the apps that won’t make the move right away, there’s one scenario Apple didn’t talk about at all during its keynote: running Windows natively on a Mac.


While virtualization via tools like Parallels or VMWare are usually sufficient for running most Windows apps under macOS, there are some edge cases when the Boot Camp approach is the only option. One of the most common: running Windows PC games, which tend to run more optimally under Windows than they do under macOS, no matter how well done the ports are.

And there’s the rub. Boot Camp allows Windows to run natively, currently as an Intel-targeted OS running natively on Intel platform.


We’ve learned that Boot Camp will not work on Apple silicon-based Macs. This will surely be a surprise to almost no one, of course. You can’t expect to just run a game natively out of the box on a totally different architecture.

Yup. Boot Camp itself doesn’t allow an Intel-compiled OS to run natively on Arm. So will Microsoft allow a version of Windows to be built, targeted specifically at Apple’s Mac/Arm architecture?

Does Apple want Windows on the Mac? Is that an important part of the next generation of Macs?


Media Access Control security (MACsec) provides point-to-point security on Ethernetlinks. MACsec is defined by IEEE standard 802.1AE. You can use MACsec in combination withother security protocols, such as IP Security (IPsec) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), to provideend-to-end network security.

MACsec is capable of identifying and preventing most security threats, including denialof service, intrusion, man-in-the-middle, masquerading, passive wiretapping, and playbackattacks. MACsec secures an Ethernet link for almost all traffic, including frames from theLink Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP), Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP), Dynamic HostConfiguration Protocol (DHCP), Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), and other protocols thatare not typically secured on an Ethernet link because of limitations with other security solutions.

How MACsec Works

When MACsec is enabled on a point-to-point Ethernet link, the link is secured aftermatching security keys are exchanged and verified between the interfaces at each end of thelink. The key can be configured manually, or can be generated dynamically, depending on thesecurity mode used to enable MACsec. For more information on MACsec security modes, see MACsec Security Modes.

MACsec uses a combination of data integrity checks and encryption to secure traffictraversing the link:

Data integrityMACsec appends an 8-byte header and a 16-byte tail to all Ethernet frames traversingthe MACsec-secured link. The header and tail are checked by the receiving interface to ensurethat the data was not compromised while traversing the link. If the data integrity check detectsanything irregular about the traffic, the traffic is dropped.
EncryptionEncryption ensures that the data in the Ethernet frame cannot be viewed by anybody monitoringtraffic on the link. MACsec encryption is optional and user-configurable. You can enable MACsecto ensure the data integrity checks are performed while still sending unencrypted data “inthe clear” over the MACsec-secured link, if desired.

When MACsec is enabled on a logical interface, VLAN tags are not encrypted. All theVLAN tags configured on the logical interface enabled for MACsec are sent in clear text.

Connectivity Associations

MACsec is configured in connectivity associations. A connectivity association is a setof MACsec attributes that are used by interfaces to create two secure channels, one for inboundtraffic and one for outbound traffic. The secure channels are responsible for transmittingand receiving data on the MACsec-secured link.

The connectivity association must be assigned to a MACsec-capable interface on eachside of the point-to-point Ethernet link. If you want to enable MACsec on multiple Ethernetlinks, you must configure MACsec individually on each link. Other user-configurable parameters,such as MAC address or port, must also match on the interfaces on each side of the link toenable MACsec.

MACsec Security Modes

MACsec can be enabled using one of the following security modes:

  • Static connectivity association key (CAK) mode

  • Static secure association key (SAK) mode

  • Dynamic secure association key (SAK) mode

Best Practice

Static CAK mode is recommended for switch-to-switch, or router-to-router, links. StaticCAK mode ensures security by frequently refreshing to a new random security key and by sharingonly the security key between the two devices on the MACsec-secured point-to-point link. Additionally,some optional MACsec features—replay protection, SCI tagging, and the ability to excludetraffic from MACsec—are available only when you enable MACsec using static CAK securitymode.

Static CAK Mode (Recommended for Switch-to-Switch Links)

When you enable MACsec using static CAK security mode, two security keys—a connectivityassociation key (CAK) that secures control plane traffic and a randomly-generated secure associationkey (SAK) that secures data plane traffic—are used to secure the link. Both keys areregularly exchanged between both devices on each end of the point-to-point Ethernet link toensure link security.

You initially establish a MACsec-secured link using a pre-shared key when you are usingstatic CAK security mode to enable MACsec. A pre-shared key includes a connectivity associationname (CKN) and its own connectivity association key (CAK). The CKN and CAK are configuredby the user in the connectivity association and must match on both ends of the link to initiallyenable MACsec.

Once matching pre-shared keys are successfully exchanged, the MACsec Key Agreement (MKA)protocol is enabled. The MKA protocol is responsible for maintaining MACsec on the link, anddecides which switch on the point-to-point link becomes the key server. The key server thencreates an SAK that is shared with the switch at the other end of the point-to-point linkonly, and that SAK is used to secure all data traffic traversing the link. The key serverwill continue to periodically create and share a randomly-created SAK over the point-to-pointlink for as long as MACsec is enabled.


If the MACsec session is terminated due to a link failure, when the link is restored,the MKA key server elects a key server and generates a new SAK.

To enable MACsec in static CAK mode, you have to configure a connectivity associationon both ends of the link. The secure channels are automatically created. These secure channelsdo not have any user-configurable parameters; all configuration is done within the connectivityassociation but outside of the secure channel.


The switches on each end of a MACsec-secured switch-to-switch link must either bothbe using Junos OS Release 14.1X53-D10 or later, or must both be using an earlier version ofJunos, in order to establish a MACsec-secured connection when using static CAK security mode.

Static SAK Security Mode

Static SAK security mode can be used to secure switch-to-switch links. Use this modeonly is you have a compelling reason to use it instead of static CAK mode, which is the recommendedmode for switch-to-switch links.

In static SAK security mode, one of up to two manually configured SAKs is used to securedata traffic on the point-to-point Ethernet link. All SAK names and values are configuredby the user; there is no key server or other tool that creates SAKs. Security is maintainedon the point-to-point Ethernet link by periodically rotating between the two security keys.Each security key name and value must have a corresponding matching value on the interfaceat the other end of the point-to-point Ethernet link to maintain MACsec on the link.

To enable MACsec in static SAK mode, you must configure a connectivity association,and configure the secure channels within that connectivity association. A typical connectivityassociation for static SAK mode contains two secure channels that have each been configuredwith two manually-configured SAKs.

Dynamic SAK Security Mode

Use dynamic SAK security mode to enable MACsec on a switch-to-host link. The endpointdevice must support MACsec and must be running software that allows it to enable a MACsec-securedconnection.

When configuring MACsec on a switch-to-host link, the MACsec Key Agreement (MKA) keys,which are included as part of 802.1X authentication, are retrieved from a RADIUS server aspart of the AAA handshake. A master key is passed from the RADIUS server to the switch andfrom the RADIUS server to the host in independent authentication transactions. The masterkey is then passed between the switch and the host to create a MACsec-secured connection.

A secure association using dynamic secure association security mode must be configuredon the switch’s Ethernet interface that connects to the host in order for the switchto create a MACsec-secured connection after receiving the MKA keys from the RADIUS server.

The RADIUS server must be using Extensible Authentication Protocol-Transport Layer Security(EAP-TLS) in order to support MACsec. The RADIUS servers that support other widely-used authenticationframeworks, such as password-only or md5, cannot be used to support MACsec. In order to enableMACsec on a switch to secure a connection to a host, you must be using 802.1X authenticationon the RADIUS server. MACsec must be configured into dynamic mode.

To enable MACsec in dynamic SAK mode, you have to configure a connectivity associationon both ends of the link. The secure channels are automatically created. These secure channelsdo not have any user-configurable parameters; all configuration is done within the connectivityassociation but outside of the secure channel.

MACsec Software Image Requirements for EX Series and QFX Series Switches

Junos OS Release 16.1 and Later

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For Junos OS Release 16.1 and later, you must download the standard Junos image to enableMACsec. MACsec is not supported in the limited image. See the MACsec Hardware and Software Support Summary to determine the correct release for your device.

The standard version of Junos OS software contains encryption and is, therefore, notavailable to customers in all geographies. The export and re-export of this Junos OS softwareis strictly controlled under United States export laws. The export, import, and use of thisJunos OS software is also subject to controls imposed under the laws of other countries. If you have questions about acquiring this version of your Junos OS software, contact JuniperNetworks Trade Compliance group at compliance_helpdesk@juniper.net.

Junos OS Releases Prior to 16.1

For releases prior to Junos OS Release 16.1, you must download the controlled versionof your Junos OS software to enable MACsec. MACsec support is not available in the domesticversion of Junos OS software in releases prior to Junos OS Release 16.1. See the MACsec Hardware and Software Support Summary to determine the correct release for your device.

The controlled version of Junos OS software includes all features and functionalityavailable in the domestic version of Junos OS, while also supporting MACsec. The domesticversion of Junos OS software is shipped on all switches that support MACsec, so you must downloadand install a controlled version of Junos OS software for your switch before you can enableMACsec.

The controlled version of Junos OS software contains encryption and is, therefore, notavailable to customers in all geographies. The export and re-export of the controlled versionof Junos OS software is strictly controlled under United States export laws. The export, import,and use of the controlled version of Junos OS software is also subject to controls imposedunder the laws of other countries. If you have questions about acquiring the controlled versionof your Junos OS software, contact Juniper Networks Trade Compliance group at compliance_helpdesk@juniper.net.

MACsec Support on MX, ACX, and PTX Series Routers

Table 1 lists the devices which support MACsec.

Table 1: MACsec on MX, PTX, ACX, and NFX Series Devices


Line Card / MIC

Support introduced in Junos OS Release

MX240, MX480, and MX960


14.2 and 15.1

MX240, MX480, MX960, MX2010, and MX2020















PTX10008 and PTX10016



MX240, MX480, MX960, MX2010, and MX2020

MPC10E-15C and MPC10E-10C


ACX5448-M (1GbE/10GbE ports)



PTX10003 (1GbE/40GbE/100GbE ports)



MX2010 and MX2020






ACX6360 and ACX5448-M routers support MACsec with AES-256 encryption.

MACsec can be configured on supported MX Series routers that are members of a VirtualChassis. Encryption and decryption are implemented in the hardware in line-rate mode. An additionaloverhead of 24 through 32 bytes is required for MACsec if Secure Channel Identifier (SCI)tag is included.

For more information regarding MACsec, refer the following IEEE specifications:

  • IEEE 802.1AE-2006. Media Access Control (MAC) Security

  • IEEE 802.1X-2010. Port-Based Network Access Control. Defines MACSec Key AgreementProtocol

MACsec Software Requirements for MX Series Routers

Following are some of the key software requirements for MACsec on MX Series Routers:


A feature license is not required to configure MACsec on MX Series routers with theenhanced 20-port Gigabit Ethernet MIC (model number MIC-3D-20GE-SFP-E).

MACsec is supported on MX Series routers with MACsec-capable interfaces.

MACsec supports 128 and 256-bit cipher-suite withand without extended packet numbering (XPN).

MACsec supports MACsec Key Agreement (MKA) protocol with Static-CAK mode using presharedkeys.

MACsec supports a single connectivity-association (CA) per physical port or physicalinterface.


Starting with Junos OS Release 15.1, MACsec issupported on member links of an aggregated Ethernet (Mac Os Mojave

Table 2: MACsec Hardware andSoftware Support Summary for EX Series and QFX Series Switches


MACsec-capable Interfaces

Switch-to-Switch Support Introduction

Switch-to-Host Support Introduction



10GbE fiber interfaces and 1GbE copper interfaces.




Note: MACsec is not available on the limited Junos OS image package.


All uplink port connections on the SFP+ MACsec uplink module.





All access and uplink ports.

Both QSFP+ interfaces on the EX-UM-2QSFP-MR uplink module for EX4300-48MP switches.




AES-256 (EX4300-48MP only)


All EX4550 optical interfaces that use the LC connection type.See Pluggable Transceivers Supported on EX4550 Switches.





All twenty-four fixed 1GbE SFP/10GbE SFP+ interfaces and all interfaces that supportthe copper Gigabit Interface Converter (GBIC).

All eight SFP+ interfaces on the EX4600-EM-8F expansion module.


Note: MACsec is not supported on EX4600 in Junos OS Release 15.1.

Not supported



All forty SFP interfaces on the EX9200-40F-M line card.

All twenty SFP interfaces on the EX9200-20F-MIC installed in an EX9200-MPC line card.

Note: You can install up to two EX9200-20F-MIC MICs in an EX9200-MPC line card for a maximumof forty MACsec-capable interfaces.

All forty SFP+ interfaces on the EX9200-40XS.




Note: Starting in Junos OS Release 18.2R1, AES-256is supported on the EX9200-40XS line card.


All eight SFP+ interfaces on the EX4600-EM-8F expansion module installed in a QFX5100-24Qswitch.


Note: MACsec is not supported on QFX5100-24Q switches in Junos OS Release 15.1.

Not supported


QFX10008 and QFX10016

All six interfaces on the QFX10000-6C-DWDM line card.


Note: Static CAK mode only.

Not supported

AES-128 and AES-256

Note: When enabling MACsec on the QFX10000-6C-DWDM line card, we recommend using a ciphersuite with extended packet numbering (XPN). Supported XPN cipher suites are GCM-AES-XPN-128and GCM-AES-XPN-256.

All 30 interfaces on the QFX10000-30C-M line card.


Note: Static CAK mode only.

Not supported

AES-128 and AES-256

Note: When enabling MACsec on the QFX10000-30C-M line card, we recommend using a cipher suitewith extended packet numbering (XPN). Supported XPN cipher suites are GCM-AES-XPN-128 andGCM-AES-XPN-256.

Understanding MACsec in a Virtual Chassis

MACsec can be configured on supported switch interfaces when those switches are configuredin a Virtual Chassis or Virtual Chassis Fabric (VCF), includingwhen MACsec-supported interfaces are on member switches in a mixed Virtual Chassis or VCFthat includes switch interfaces that do not support MACsec. MACsec, however, cannot be enabledon Virtual Chassis ports (VCPs) to secure traffic travelling between member switches in aVirtual Chassis or VCF.

Understanding the MACsec Feature License Requirement

A feature license is required to configure MACsec on EX Series and QFX series switches,with the exception of the QFX10000-6C-DWDM and QFX10000-30C-M line cards. If the MACsec licenceis not installed, MACsec functionality cannot be activated.

Mac Os Versions

To purchase a feature license for MACsec, contact your Juniper Networks sales representative(https://www.juniper.net/us/en/contact-us/sales-offices). The Juniper sales representative will provide you with a feature license fileand a license key. You will be asked to supply the chassis serial number of your switch; youcan obtain the serial number by running the no- auto-negotiation on PHY84756 1G SFP ports before configuring MACsec on those ports.

Related Documentation


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Starting in Junos OS Release 18.4R2, the MIC-MACSEC-20GEMIC provides 256-bit cipher-suite GCM-AES-256 and GCM-AES-XPN-256.

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Starting in Junos OS Release 18.2R1, AES-256is supported on the EX9200-40XS line card.
Starting with Junos OS Release 15.1, MACsec issupported on member links of an aggregated Ethernet (